Reiki and Intuitive Abilities
Thoughts from a Reiki Therapist and Angel Intuitive
I’m often asked if I’m "psychic" due to the information I share with my clients at the end of their Reiki sessions. To better elaborate on that question, I decided to write today's blog to give you a better understanding of what happens when I do a Reiki session.
First, I prefer to use the word intuitive, rather than psychic. People are naturally intuitive. The level to which you experience your intuition varies from person to person, depending on how open you are to connecting and trusting in that part of yourself. Not all Reiki Practitioners, nor all people, would necessarily identify with being intuitive because they have not fine tuned their abilities, or maybe they just don't believe. When you become attuned to the Reiki energy, your intuitive abilities are likely to increase.
So what is a Reiki attunement and what are these intuitive abilities?
The Reiki attunement process is what connects a person directly to the Reiki source, giving them the ability to channel the healing energy. You become attuned to Reiki by taking Reiki Classes with a qualified Reiki Master Teacher. When this attunement happens, your energy channels open to accommodate, and make room for, the Reiki energy to flow through. Once this happens, the Reiki energy creates more space on all levels of your being. Physically, you can experience more “space” by the energy bringing toxins, injuries, traumas, or illnesses to the surface for you to release. Mentally, you may have more clarity and focus on your purpose and path. Spiritually, you may become more connected to the Universe, and to your intuitive senses since all the “clutter” moves out of the way.
So what are these intuitive senses?
Generally, one of the “clairs” will be most dominant for you. There is clairsentience (clear feeling), clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), and claircognizance (clear knowing). I have experienced all of them at one moment or another, but my MOST dominant “clair” is clairsentience. I’ve experienced this intuitive ability from a very young age, but did not know there was a word for what I felt. Once I was attuned to Reiki, and practiced channeling the energy daily, this intuitive sense became even stronger and much more powerful. However, when I am in the process of giving Reiki, clairvoyance is most dominant. The images I see tend to be accurate and vivid. We are all intuitive to some degree.
To determine your dominant sense you need to know what each "clair" means:
Clairsentience– You can feel the past, present, and future emotional states of others. Clairsentience involves the entire body, which feels and responds to vibrations. Examples include: feeling that a person is going to call you and then they do, feeling things very intensely with your “gut”, or sensing the presence of another person around you even if you can’t see or hear anyone.
Clairvoyance– You clearly see visual symbols and messages. Examples include having a prophetic dream, seeing something out of the corner of your eye but nothing is there, being highly sensitive to bright lights, seeing colors or number patterns, or have visions in your mind’s eye.
Clairaudience– You clearly hear messages. Examples include: hearing meaningful messages when listening to music, hearing Divine wisdom as conversation or as an external whisper, hearing a voice inside your mind, or sensitivity to sound. Sometimes we get confused with this sense because we confuse our “ego” with our clairaudience. Know that messages from God, the Universe, or your Higher Self are always loving and positive.
Claircognizance– You clearly know something without being told. Receiving Divine guidance through thoughts that seem to magically pop in, knowing how to do something without prior instruction, or having knowledge pour through you when you speak or write are examples.
When I perform a Reiki session, I relax my body, release my mind/ego, and ask that I be a clear and perfect channel for the Reiki energy and any information that is in the highest and best good of my client. When this happens, I get information from one, or all, of the senses listed above. I see, feel, and respond to vibrations. I also see images which I will tell you about after a session is completed. The first time I ever gave Reiki was during my training for level 1. Once I completed the Reiki session, I told the client that I saw an abundance of sunflowers and heard the lyrics to a Bryan Adam's song while doing Reiki. I felt so silly telling her this until she told me that she was in a wedding the day before. The bouquets, centerpieces, and venue were decorated with sunflowers, and the married couple danced to this song! During the training for the 2nd level, I was able to tell a man who had just gotten married that he should be prepared to be a father. Weeks later, I was contacted by the Reiki Master who trained us to tell me that this man wanted me to know that his wife was indeed pregnant, and their estimated date of conception was the night before the training.
Sometimes I see images that you will understand immediately; sometimes it may take months to understand these images; sometimes you may not ever understand. I encourage people to discuss their experience with their loved ones because sometimes the message you get was meant to be passed to someone else. I have no control over the images and feelings that I get. They may, or may not be insightful and helpful. I am not a fortune teller and will never claim to be able to "see your future" or push you toward a certain course of action. I am the vessel for energy; nothing more, nothing less. I shower you with my blessings, and strive for peace, joy, & positivity.
If you identify with the concepts I haven expressed in this article, you may consider taking Reiki Classes to enhance your intuitive abilities. While Reiki isn’t the only way to develop these abilities, it is definitely one of the most effective.